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City of Trumann Prepares for Potential Winter Weather

The City of Trumann is closely monitoring the forecast for potential winter weather conditions in the coming days. City officials are taking proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.

Key Preparations:

  • Public Works Readiness: The City's Public Works Department is preparing equipment, including snowplows, sand spreaders and brine application, for potential snow and ice events.
  • Emergency Shelters: The City is identifying and preparing potential emergency shelters in the event of severe weather conditions. These shelters as of now are:

          Trumann Police Department at 221 S. Melton will be open 24 hours a day for a short-  term warming center.

          The Trumann School District Pre-k Safe Room at 1200 Cedar St. will be a warming shelter.  There will be a police officer there to open the doors should anyone need the shelter. 

          Stepping Stones Sanctuary at 904 Speedway will be available as a warming shelter. 

          Trumann Recreation Center (TRC) will be open for longer term shelter in an emergency event, should the city lose electricity for an extended period of time. The city will announce on our Facebook page and City website should the TRC be opened. 

  • Community Outreach: The City will utilize local media outlets and social media channels as well as the City website, to provide timely updates and important information to residents.

Resident Preparedness:

  • Stay Informed: Monitor local weather forecasts closely and heed any warnings or advisories issued by local authorities.
  • Prepare an Emergency Kit: Include essentials such as water, non-perishable food, medications, flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit.
  • Fuel: If you are on propane, be sure to have your tanks topped off. Also, have gasoline for home generators, on hand. 
  • Oxygen: If you are on medical oxygen, be sure to have your extra tank filled in case of power loss. 
  • Check on Vulnerable Neighbors: Ensure elderly or disabled neighbors have the necessary supplies and assistance they may need.
  • Travel Safely: If travel is necessary during winter weather, exercise extreme caution and avoid unnecessary risks.
  • Animals: Please have your animals a warm place to stay.

Stay Connected:

  • City Website:
  • Social Media: Facebook: City of Trumann
  • Local Media:
  • Phone App: Trumann Police Department

The City of Trumann is committed to the safety and well-being of its residents. By working together and taking necessary precautions, we can minimize the impact of winter weather on our community.

Thank you and God Bless You!

Mayor Jay Paul Woods